101 OnLy ThE BeSt GaMeS 2
101 OnLy ThE BeSt GaMeS #2.iso
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638 lines
The Dezerian Assignment
Code Name: REDKEY
Copyright 1992 Steven Englestad
All Rights Reserved
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of packages along with appropriate registration for users.
To register, print out REGIS.DOC to a printer, fill it out and
send in to the address provided. You will be added to the
database as a registered owner and can write for support should
you either have problems running the game or wish further help in
doing so. Registration also gets you a Hints document covering
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The Federation's prize weapon, the Galactic Vaporizer Device
(GVD) has been stolen by the Rebels. Dezeria's underground mazes
provide a most unusual hiding place and that is what the Rebels
needed to hide the Galactic Vaporizer Device, or GVD. This quite
intimidating device was designed by a Dr. Swelt and Mr. Johnston.
During transport between planets, the Rebels made a surprise raid
in space and stole it. They took it to Dezeria and hid it in the
mazes. Unable to follow with any size force without raising a
war cry from the Urgandians, the Federation was forced to find an
individual of unusual valor and cunning to send after the device.
Since Dr. Swelt and Mr. Johnston were the inventors of the
device, they were the two who knew the destruct code to set the
device into an auto-destruct mode. Dr. Swelt, being of
considerable age and being a genius in his field was not
considered for such a mission but Johnston, though bright, was
certainly the more expendable. And so, off to Dezeria he is
sent. The weeks passed and there is no news. It is with some
degree of desperation that the Federation decides to send in
another agent. And who should they choose but YOU. When they
went to ask Dr. Swelt for the destruct code they found that his
planet had been raided by the Rebels looking for the arming code,
and the good doctor kidnapped.
Dezeria is a desert planet divided into four quadrants by
impassable walls. Movement from one quadrant to another is only
possible through the underground mazes and most of these require
'keys' to pass from level to level. Having captured a rebel,
the Federation has obtained the Green Key. This key will permit
you access to search for the Red Key which is needed to leave the
Trader Quadrant where you will be landed. The REDKEY assignment
is to find the Red Key and return to the pick-up point. You are
to make contact with various traders and find out what you can.
You may be able to purchase various objects to help you on your
In Code Name DESTRUCT you return to Dezeria with the Red Key and
all other objects you have managed to find during the Red Key
Mission. Your object is to now proceed to the other quadrants
looking for more clues and objects. You will need money to buy
more objects from the traders and to do this you will need to
obtain objects in Quadrant I and return to the trader Quadrant to
sell them. Thus you will be able to move on from quadrant to
quadrant until you find the hidden GVD device and set the code to
destroy it. Then you must once again return to the pick-up point
within the time allotted. In Code Name DESTRUCT you will find
many new and strange obstacles including the underground caverns
of Dezeria that can provide a short cut between quadrants.
The Dezerian Assignment will run on any IBM PC compatible
computer with 512 K Ram, hard disk and EGA graphics capability.
It comes on two 5 1/4 inch floppies or one 3 1/2 inch floppy.
You can NOT run from the floppies. This game must be installed
onto a hard disk to be played and requires EGA level graphics
REDKEY Installation
To install on a hard disk, follow these steps:
- Copy all files to the directory of your choice.
- Run UNPRED to unpack the compressed files.
- Enter REDKEY to start the game.
REDKEY Q to start it silently. The F10 key will turn the
sound back on if you change your mind once the game is running.
Before running the adventure, you must make sure there is a
CONFIG.SYS file with the lines FILES=20 and BUFFERS=10 in the
root directory. It is okay if you have these lines with larger
DESTRUCT Installation
Once you have completed the mission of RED KEY, the files are
saved in a way that allows you to load the Code Name: DESTRUCT
disk directly over the old files. Many of the files from RED KEY
are used to support the ongoing mission.
To install on your hard disk, do the following:
- Copy all files from DESTRUCT disk into same directory you have
successfully completed RED KEY.
- Run UNPDES to unpack the packed files.
- Run INITDES to get the files ready to start DESTRUCT
- Run DESTRUCT to start the DESTRUCT Mission.
DESTRUCT Q to start it silently.
When you are landed on the planet you will be at the point you
were when you requested pick-up from RED KEY. You will have full
fuel, health, and five days of food and water regardless of your
state when you ended RED KEY. You are now free to use the Red
Key to exit the Trader Quadrant or you can continue your
exploration of that quadrant as money permits.
It is noted at this point that you now have RED KEY and DESTRUCT
loaded in the same directory. This is necessary to run DESTRUCT.
Read below how INITRED and INITDES work.
Once you start The Dezerian Assignment, you will continue the
adventure until you have either completed your assignment, have
had your life level reduced to zero or have taken too long to
complete your quest. At the end of a session, you exit and save
your progress by using the S-key save function. You must NEVER
shut the computer off before exiting from the adventure as it
will leave the files corrupted. Having saved the session
successfully, you can return and start it up at any time and it
will put you back where you were when you saved.
During a session you can get into trouble by running into things
or by being attacked and injured. When this occurs, your life
level is reduced. As long as it remains above zero you are
permitted to continue.
You can manually initialize the adventure any time you want to.
Entering INITRED at the DOS prompt while in the subdirectory of
the hard disk where the adventure resides will call up the
initialization routine. Confirmation is asked for. You confirm
by entering a Y. You would want to initialize whenever you want
to start the adventure fresh. If you complete the adventure
successfully or if your life level falls below zero,
initialization is automatic.
You can manually initialize the adventure any time you want to.
Entering INITDES at the DOS prompt while in the subdirectory of
the hard disk where the adventure resides will call up the
initialization routine. Confirmation is asked for. You confirm
by entering a Y. You would want to initialize whenever you want
to start DESTRUCT fresh. Whereas INITRED starts you at the
beginning of the entire mission, INITDES once again begins you at
the point you ended RED KEY.
Snapping and Restoring
You can save and restore the game at any point from the DOS
prompt by entering SNAP i to save the game at a point you can
later return to with RESTORE i where i is the set number. Thus,
for i from 0 to 9, you can save up to 10 save sets of the game to
return to if things should go wrong during a session. Since you
can not exit REDKEY without your progress being saved (and you
should not boot the computer in the middle of a session since
this can corrupt the files) the SNAP/RESTORE set of functions at
least lets you save a point to return to. It is up to you to
keep track of what point you were at in each save set. Note that
SNAP'ing merely makes a copy of certain files that change during
the progress of the game and hence will take up some extra room
on your disk.
Dezeria is a planet on the outskirts of the galaxy in space
unfriendly to the Federation. It is a desert planet divided into
four major quadrants numbered, appropriately, I, II, III, IV, in
a clockwise fashion starting with the upper left, or northwest,
quadrant. The quadrants are neatly divided by impassable walls.
The only quadrant that is known to be inhabited regularly is
quadrant II. This quadrant is sometimes referred to as the
Trader Quadrant for it is in this quadrant that a number of
small-time criminals have found sanctuary and run posts for the
infrequent visits of the Rebels. This will be the best place to
drop you. The drop will be made at a time when there should be
no Rebels on the planet. It is not unheard of for a supply ship
to stop off at the Trader Quadrant. Since you will need
information from the traders to assist you it is best to leave
you where there are people. Once dropped off, you will have a
vehicle which you will drive forward to a site. From there you
are on your own to gather information and seek out the hiding
place of the Red Key.
The traders of Dezeria are mostly crooks who are taking refuge,
manning the posts where they live and occasionally selling food
and ammo to the Rebels. The traders will sell certain things
including information. They will probably buy objects also.
As for mapping your way around Dezeria, the latitude and
longitude values are based on a world of 20,000 by 20,000 units
with the 0,0 point at the upper left corner of the world. The
Great Walls of Dezeria run along the 10,000th latitude and
longitude. Once you are properly equipped, you will know your
latitude and longitude wherever you are on the surface.
The maintenance of your health is vital. You carry food and
water. Indicators show your thirst and hunger conditions. When
hungry or thirsty, your health slowly deteriorates. You must
drink and eat when necessary to maintain your health. Each press
of the Eat or Drink key uses up some of the food and water you
are carrying until you are full or run out of food/water.
Obtaining water and food is, of course, vital. Oases provide
water, and posts will sell food, fuel, ammo and who-knows-what.
It is vital that you maintain your levels of fuel, food and
water, restocking at posts and oases frequently. You must also
use your funds wisely. There is more information and there are
more objects than you will have money for. Your initial goal
must be to get some basic equipment and then retrieve objects
from the other quadrants that you can sell so that you can buy
more information and other items that you will need to probe
deeper into the other parts of Dezeria. Use the ESC key to pause
at any phase of the adventure, for food and water are consumed
rapidly. Pay careful attention to the information you receive
from the opening assignment screen and from the traders.
Whether you are traveling the surface of Dezeria, at a site or in
a maze, the P-key toggles the possession window. You can carry
up to sixteen items at one time. At sites, you can sell or leave
any number of objects you want. An item is made active or
effective if you hold it. Some items will serve you in your
quest while others have value only in that you can sell them and
then use the money to buy more information or other items that
are for sale. The only object that will 'work' without being
held is the pistol. You can shoot without holding the pistol but
you must possess it. Actually, there are a few items that can
effect you just by possessing them. Keep alert. If your health
is declining while the hunger and thirst indicators show green,
it could be something you are carrying.
With the possession window up, the right and left key pad arrows
move the yellow box from item to item. This is how you select an
item to be held. The up-arrow key pad key is used to take the
selected item into hand. If you are already holding an item, it
will be swapped for the new item you have selected to hold. The
down-arrow key pad key will store away an item you are holding,
leaving you holding nothing. Both the up and down arrows will
also exit you from the possession window. If you wish to exit
without doing anything, press the P key again to toggle the
window off. If you are carrying a full load of twelve items, you
will not be able to buy another until you sell some. On the open
desert and in the mazes you will come across objects to be picked
up. If you are carrying a full load of twelve items, you will be
given the chance to exchange an item for the one you have found.
The exchange screen is the same as the possession screen. You
place the yellow box around the object you are giving up by using
the right and left arrows. Pressing the up or down arrow key on
the key pad will indicate that you have made your choice.
Pressing P or the return key will exit the window without making
any exchange.
Knowing what objects are useful and which are not is part of the
problem to be solved. In some cases, information from the
traders will provide the clues. In other cases, you will only
discover much needed advice by venturing to further quadrants.
And of course, there are always the subterranean computer
All messages that are presented to you as a line, scrolled from
right to left, can be terminated before they complete by pressing
the Space Bar. There will be some informational messages of this
type that you will become familiar with and will want to cut off
when they begin to appear.
- - Surface Travel - -
F1 - Neutral gear
F2 - Forward gear
F9 - Silence Low Fuel Alarm
F10 - Sound on/off
ESC - Pause
M - Start Motor
E - Eat
D - Drink
P - Possession window toggled on/off
Right/Left Arrows - Rotate selection of item.
Up Arrow - Take hold of selected item.
Down Arrow - Store item currently in hand.
S - Save your progress
L - Leave request: Transmit request to be picked up
V - Vehicle viewer toggled on/off
T - Transport mode. Only works with vehicle viewer on
Shift Up Arrow - Fire at spiders while in transport mode
W - Whistle (must be holding whistle)
KEYPAD: See Driving Keypad
Surface travel is accomplished in two modes. Initially, only the
first-person mode is available. The keypad is used to
accelerate, decelerate, turn left and turn right. Hazards will
come at you across the desert. If you hit them with the hood of
your vehicle you will lose life points. Over the horizon will
come greenery of an oasis or a structure. Head toward it until
the screen reverts to a top view of the site.
Once you have obtained the receiver, you can use the vehicle
viewer to see what lies about you as you travel. The orientation
of the vehicle viewer always has North towards the top of the
display. The red mark at the center of the screen is the
location of your vehicle. Black marks indicate posts and objects
on the desert and green marks indicate oases. Having the viewer
displayed also permits you to enter Transport Mode. With the
viewer displayed, entering 'T' activates the Transport Mode once
you have brought your vehicle to a standstill.
In the Transport Mode you move a cross hairs to your desired
destination with the keypad arrows and then enter the 5-key to
indicate your selection. If you have enough fuel, water and food
to be permitted to use Transport Mode you will be shown the
amount of food, water and fuel that will be used and you will be
advised to press the 5-key to confirm your selection. Pressing
the '5' key will bring up the Travel Window. Any other key will
abort you selected destination. Once the Travel Window is
displayed with the top view of the vehicle, the keypad is used to
control speed and direction to steer around obstacles. Once you
have the Travel Window up and you start driving there is no way
to pause or stop your trip. You must carry on through to the
end. Use the keypad to move the vehicle left and right. The up
and down arrows will alter your speed. Don't hit the hazards.
In quadrants where there are desert spiders, they will come at
you. You can either try to dodge them or shoot at them with the
Shift Up Arrow key. A red bar at the top of the Travel Window
moves from left to right. It marks your progress. Once you get
to your selected destination, the screen will revert to the first
person view and you can drive into the site if your destination
puts you at or close to one. Transporting uses up chunks of
food, water, fuel and time so keep that in mind as you transport
from point to point. Make frequent stops at sites and oases to
stock up after transporting.
If you are out of food or water, you can proceed with your
adventure as long as your life force is above zero, but, you
cannot use the Transport Mode unless the food and water levels
are sufficient to complete the trip without going below zero.
Also, Transport Mode can only be used for trips of at least 10
miles. Thus, in some situations you will be required to use the
first person mode of travel until you are able to restock your
Once you have completed your mission and have returned to the
pick-up point, you will want to call for a pick-up with the L
(Leave) key. Note that a request for pick-up will always be
honored and will always complete the adventure. You get one
chance to be picked up.
- - At a Site - -
F10 ESC E D P W as above.
KEYPAD: See Movement and Shooting keypad
You cannot save the adventure at a site. Get into your vehicle
and you will be put back into surface travel mode at which time
you can save.
At a site you move the person about with the keypad arrow keys.
The figure will not be able to move through certain objects such
as walls and greenery so you will have to maneuver around such
objects and structures to get where you want to go. An
accessible grayish area denotes a trading post at the site and a
red square indicates a maze entrance. Blue indicates water.
Moving to each of these color coded areas will result in some
action. Moving the man back to the vehicle you arrived in will
return you to a first person view. You will always be placed to
the south of a site, facing north, when you leave it. Thus, to
proceed you must drive around the site or you will keep returning
to it.
At the trade post you will be permitted to buy or sell. There is
no PAUSE while in the trading post mode. In fact, ESC serves as
a quick-key to exit from the trade screens rather than having to
use the arrows to move the highlight to the EXIT item on the
menu. To select an item, the left and right keypad arrows move
the highlighting forward and backward. The up arrow acknowledges
the choice of the highlighted item for sale. Each press of the
up arrow key buys more of a supply until you are told you are
FULL and cannot obtain anymore. At the Objects part of the
screen, the space bar will scan through the objects, showing each
one to you. The up arrow key again serves as an indication to
purchase/sell/take/leave the object showing. Some posts have no
objects for sale and you will be told that.
Information is available at many posts. If they are manned
posts, you will have to pay for information. There may be a
number of information 'packets' available to you. Entering up
arrow will show you the cost of the next one if there is one and
permit you to enter Y or N if you wish to pay and see it or not.
As you journey further into the adventure, you will come upon
hidden mazes. These are encountered at a site. Upon moving to a
magenta square you will be presented with a maze you have to
traverse that is mostly hidden under a roof. The keypad will
move the man about from square to square using the up, down, left
and right arrows. The figure will disappear as it moves under
the roof and will be gone from sight until it emerges into an
open space. If you try to move the person to a blocked square, a
sound will be heard and a red indicator will momentarily show
where you currently are. Banging into the walls will cost some
health. It is helpful to note the path as you discover it by
bumping about. Once you have traversed through the maze to the
further corner, you will be placed within the walls that surround
this kind of site. To leave the site, you must retrace your
steps by moving to the magenta square within the post and
recrossing the maze in the other direction to return to your
vehicle. Record the path you have discovered as you may need to
return to these sites again.
- - In a Maze - -
F10 ESC E D P S W as above.
KEYPAD: See Movement and Shooting keypad
The subterranean mazes of Dezeria provide means of moving from
one quadrant to another. They also hold stashes of money, food
and water as well as computer terminals and, of course, the
Galactic Vaporizer Device.
While in a maze you move the figure of the man and shoot in the
same manner as you do at a site, described above. In moving
about the maze, you will come to various red items along the maze
path. The red squares are transfer points to move you up or down
to different levels of the maze complex or to the surface. The
red ovals are computer terminals and red X's are objects you can
obtain. A red triangle marks the location of the GVD. Moving
the man to the red markings activates some action depending on
the nature of the particular spot.
Though the red squares usually lead to elevator type shafts,
moving you from one level to another, there may be a hazard you
will have to traverse. These occur when you are further into the
adventure. A window will show the person on a ledge with a ledge
on the other side of the window. Blocks are rising and lowering
between the two ledges. The figure must be made to jump to the
next block as it becomes level with his position. The right and
left arrows will make the person jump to the next block position.
Holding the Shift key while hitting the left and right arrows
makes the person jump two blocks in either direction. Again, the
target block must be at the same level as the block you are
moving from. Every two failures at moving from one block to
another results in the loss of some life force and being put back
at the ledge from where you started. Moving out from the window
puts the person on the maze level associated with the entry/exit
point of the obstacle.
Driving Keypad
| | Accelerate | |
| | ** | |
| Turn left | Straighten | Turn right |
| | Wheels | |
| | Decelerate | |
| | | |
The driving keypad is used when looking out from the vehicle and
moving on the surface of the planet. Once the engine is started
and the lever put into F for Forward, the keypad permits control
of speed and direction. This same keypad layout works for the
Transport Mode with the addition of the Shift Up Arrow (**) for
firing at spiders that may come at your vehicle.
Movement and Shooting Keypad
| Move | Move | Move |
| SHOOT | - 5 - | SHOOT |
| Move | | Move |
| Move | Move | Move |
Caps are shifted key: Hold the Shift key down
and press the desired key. Move and shoot in
direction of key.
The Movement and Shooting keypad is used both when at a site and
while in the maze. Movement of man and direction of your shot is
in relation to the position of the key pressed to the 5 key.
When shooting, the direction of the projectile can be altered by
pressing a different keypad key. This way you can shoot around
corners and at targets coming at you at odd angles.
With no intention of giving much away, the following suggestions
may save you some grief. There is a Hint book that describes
each item and, ultimately, gives away much, but not all, of the
puzzle if read completely. It is part of the registration
o You must have the Folis Pistol and Receiver if you hope to get
very far. The Traders will advise you properly on how to obtain
these items. Listen to them.
o To run out of fuel is deadly. Carry the fuel can if you hope
to get far in the quadrants other that Quadrant II, where you
start the adventure.
o Extra ammo is vital when scouring the further quadrants for
loot. The spiders are active where objects lie on the desert.
Also, the transport mode is a bit more difficult in quadrants
where there are surface spiders and you will need to defend
yourself more actively. If you pay attention to information from
the traders, you will know how to be able to carry more ammo.
o The transport mode, though the prime means of travel once you
have the receiver, can chew up your health. Some first-person
ground travel is the best way to rejuvenate yourself, assuming
you are well fed and watered and do not run into things.
o It is vital to gather information... From traders, computer
terminals, abandoned posts... From anywhere you can get it. You
must gather items and sell them so you can buy information and
objects from the traders. You can not carry everything at once
so you must leave some things behind now and again and remember
to bring what you need for each stage of this adventure.